When I said "I" it means me

Drawing with charcoal on paper by Eiman Muiny
In my own world I invented my own rule that says: The biggest me I can make the biggest "I" I can be,  it's just a matter of time and here is the way it goes.
 You have to be very clear by identifying the "I" you wanted to be, then determine the strategy that is going to lead "me" to that "I", then put your plan in term of execution and be brave to ask for help.

Once upon a time, "me" was on her way to make the "I" she wanted and guess what happened? I'll tell you something; it started with a little storm threw "me" away to land on a place that "me" couldn't identify her "I", but "me" had to know her new place and recalculate her steps because "me" still wanted the biggest "I" .

A hurricane came after that to destroy everything, but "me" had to rebuild and work hard because "me" still wanted the biggest "I".

Without settlement a flood drowned "me" back to the bottom, but "me" had to struggle to float, because "me" still wanted the biggest "I".

Do you know why all that happened?  I said it's just a matter of time. With the storm "me" could identify her self and her strength, with the hurricane "me" could shape her self to get the biggest "I", with the flood "me" could use her skills and her intelligence in a way that the biggest "I" will look definitely challenging.

The bottom line, if you decide to make the biggest "I".. go ahead, it's easy.


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