it's time for Dadaism

collage on board by Eiman Muiny

Art in my opinion is not always about the aesthetic concept. Some times it can break all the boundaries to make it complex art, I'm not going to say complicated, I'm going to say it's complex in a way that not any one can make it or not any one can understand it and in a certain circumstances it boom to be the leader of that moment, movement of that time accompanied with artists who establish this movement of art and audience who will argue and dispute for or against.


That's why I said it's time for Dadaism.  When Dadaism appeared during the WWI  as a cultural movement against the bourgeois, Nationalist and Colonialist, many Dadaism believed that the reason behind the war was the bourgeois capitalist society and the way they expressed their rejection in artistic expression by embracing chaos and irrationality.


Dada was not an art, it was anti-art, when art was concerned with the aesthetics, Dada ignored aesthetics, if art was appeal to sensibility,  Dada was intended to offend. Through the rejection Dada hoped to destroy traditional Culture and aesthetics. 


That is exactly what's going on around the world right now and it's the right time for Dadaism, people in middle east express their rejection to the governor's oppression and their demand for freedom through revolutions and slogans that's involve, drawing and writing on the walls ( the sprayer), creating replicas for the city's landmark and you can also do more and more.. and lets us think who is involve in this process?  Everybody from kids and youth to artist and non artist because It's a common sense when you reject something and you want to change it you have to use all your tools and weapons and it's time for DADAISM. 

Finally, Send your voice to the world and let the art history register the revolution. 



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