Abstract form By Eiman Muiny ( Encaustic painting) 
Artists, fame in their addiction to art ,art is their main concern; they can talk, eat and breath art , they can perceive things , see things ,and get things in different way .
When art is surrounding us everywhere, street, malls, public area, offices, in all kind of products, it is just everywhere .
When art for a purpose of pleasuring your sensation, your eyes before your mind, fashion, perfumes manufacturing , movies , theatres ,food and drinks , inside your house and again everywhere .
When art for memories to register revolutions, victories, childhood memories, and everywhere in the past, in the present or in the future .
When art for educational, planning purposes for kids and adult, for schools and universities,  for business men and doctors , for engineering and scientists, it is for everybody.
When art for art sake, either to invent a new way of seeing art or to invent a revolution in the art world which could be sometime to describe the revolution and the development in the real world around us , or to describe the transformations in the nations norms and believes . Picasso is a revolution, Andy Worhl is a revolution, Jackson Pollock is the same as well .


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