What is after the storm?.. I guess a snow of silence.

The Sunset #1
For a while I've been looking for a topic to write about it. A lot of conflicted ideas came to my mind have been faced with an internal rejection, ideas stagger everywhere they weren't strange they were many. Although I wasn't looking for the best. I was looking for something that characterize my artistic path.

When I started to write my artist news I decided to write about my paintings individually in order to catch the viewers attention to my artwork, because I believe that behind each painting is a story or an incident or an artist who influence me to paint in this direction,( you can fill out the form in your lift if you would like to know more about my artwork).

However I always like to have something new to tell but it should belongs to me, within the circumstances that surround me, also finding the motivations and  stimulation fact that could help to drive the strong ideas from the daily life and the observation. So please walk with me if you want to know how to do that, It's an invitation to walk, it doesn't matter the time and the distance, it matters how you walk

And here is my invitation.

Lets have a walk in the twilight time; in a foggy day, where  you don’t have to go far away, walk to discover as you're walking the first time, watch the street, lights, signs, pass by the parks, golf course, tennis court, kids playing hockey or basketball.. feel the people around you, smell the flowers and smile to the moon, feel the intimacy, the quiet, and the lights, listen to your eyes and what they're telling you, derive your strength from the air you breath, astound your self by absorbing the environment around you,  relax,  enjoy,  and just keep walking.
Immediately after that go back and write or paint.


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