Why CopyRights

In spite of, that I don't believe in originality; I'm with the copyright .
Since art is an old invention -since ages- each artwork should have reference , I'm not going to say a copy, and with that reference either to a previous artist in the art history or to an existence ones. that means there is somebody behind each artwork .
But what characterize each work is the artist him self , because art as production depend in many components , social, educational, political, environmental and climatic facts , in another word who and how , why and when the artist produce that work and who dominate the mainstream of the art world .
big artist like Richard Prince, Jeff Wall and others their works base on other artist works by making reproduction to a previous artwork, although we can't forget that behind their art big effort, and experience , their work is a signature between the art world .
After all my artwork is a result of my personality and my unique touch , thats why I deserve the copyright because I'm a real artist .


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